Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cochiti Lake Brick -- Report

**Follow-up to Cyndi's report: So sorry for your unlucky sequence of events... hopefully this won't completely deter you from joining future group bricks at Cochiti, because as you can see from the report below, sometimes it turns out really well.**

Kim, Susie, Paul, Tina, Rob A, Laurie, Ben, Bill, Joe and I and got up bright and early Sunday morning to head down to Cochiti for a swim/bike. After a slow reorganization of carpoolers etc., we headed south and got to the lake at about 8:10 and got all set up. Bill brought his kayak and Tina kayaked behind the group -- it was reassuring to know she was behind us if something came up. The water was around 72 degrees and pretty calm; everyone seemed glad they had their wetsuits on, which made the swim really comfortable. We swam a little more than a mile (well, OK, maybe more like 2800 meters, but who's counting?) which took ~1:10. We got all geared up, Laurie stayed to warm up from the swim and Tina joined us on the bike ride. We biked 24 miles through beautiful, rolling country into Cochiti Pueblo and back, taking ~1:40. A few firsts for people: this was Laurie's first open water swim, Joe rode his new bike (see pic!), Susie wore a wetsuit for the first time ever, and I tried out a full-length tri wetsuit for the first time--loved it by the way! Great group, great support, and a really fun "course". I'm already thinking about when we go back and do it again in July. In fact, I had so much fun that I came home and registered for Elephant Man! Here's a couple pics:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just swam Cochiti for the first time. I am trying to figure out my distances , but cannot find anything that maps swims. How did you guys figure out your distances? I wore a wet suit for the first time and I want to know what my time differences were. I race on Saturday (1/2 Iron) and I want to set my goal for my swim, but since I don't know how fast I was it's obviously difficult. Thanks man - e/mail me at - James