Monday, July 14, 2008

Cochiti Brick #2 -- Report

The brick workout down at Cochiti Lake on Sunday, July 13 went very well. 14 people showed, mostly club members, but also a few new faces. We were expecting hot weather training, and instead got calm, cooler weather... maybe mid-60s when we started and in the 70s when we got back from the bike, with the sun just starting to break through the clouds the last few miles of the bike ride. There were 12 people swimming with varying abilities/speeds but everyone was within 5-10 minutes of each other so it wasn't too spread out; the return leg of the swim gave us some choppy water to contend with (I felt like a cork) but it was good practice on sighting and propelling forward in those conditions. Tina was generous enough to come down with the group and boat behind us again. The water was in the low 70s and it took ~1:05 to swim the same course as last time. 14 people rode the bike route into Cochiti Pueblo--we had considered changing routes due to festival preparations, but decided it'd probably be OK seeing as the festival wasn't until Monday. It turned out to be just fine with very little traffic (and polite drivers), and only a slight headwind on the return. Both the swim and bike were faster this time as people seemed to be more focused and perhaps more motivated in the cooler temps. to keep moving. Or perhaps the novelty of a new course had worn off for people who had done the brick a few weeks ago, so we just got down to business? In any event, it proved to be great training with a really nice group of people. We'll plan another one in August after the LA Tri--maybe up at Heron Lake. Details to follow. Thanks again everyone!

1 comment:

The Beist said...

Any plans to go back on July 25th? If not, anyone interested in going? I need some open water pratice before my first tri in August. Take Care, Bill Geist